Substantiated findings are very important because they signify that the agency has determined that you have abused or neglected your child and that your conduct warrants your name being included on the Child Abuse Central Registry.
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Grandparents’ Rights
Ask any grandparent, and they will tell you that having a grandchild is one of the most exciting and fulfilling stages of life. Playing with grandchildren, helping them grow, and providing them with love and support are all central grandparent roles. In the optimal situation, grandparents and parents get along and cooperate to provide the…
Read More »Blended Families and Wills
It is common knowledge that divorce is an everyday occurrence in the United States, and New Jersey is no exception. Although divorce is a sad and difficult event, it is also common for divorced parties to move on and remarry. While some of these remarriages will involve only adults, it is also common for one…
Read More »Co-Parenting With a Narcissist
Parenting can be a very challenging, albeit rewarding, job. Even when you and the other parent are residing together and have a healthy relationship, parenting your shared children can lead to disagreements. After a divorce or separation, these disagreements and challenges can be exacerbated, as there are often other lingering issues between the parents that…
Read More »Grandparent Visitation
Many children benefit immensely from spending quality time with their grandparents and other extended family members. Unfortunately, when parents separate or disagree on custody, these grandparents can lose contact with the child when the parents are not cooperative. If the grandparent had played a significant role in the child’s life, the child can suffer. To…
Read More »Family Counseling and Divorce
Divorce is often the most emotionally difficult experience in a person’s life. Whereas you have had years to depend on another person to help shoulder your everyday burdens, a divorce means facing your future without the certainty and stability of the other person’s support and feedback. In addition, divorce impacts not only the spouses but…
Read More »Proper Courtroom Decorum
Facing a final hearing in a family law case can be a nerve-wracking experience. This is especially true for those who have never been to court and do not know what to expect. In a family law case, the judge is considering highly personal issues, such as how your property will be divided and where…
Read More »Tips for Keeping Your Divorce Civil
Few words conjure more images of acrimony and discord than “divorce.” During a divorce, a relationship that you have built during years or even decades will change fundamentally and forever. The nature of a divorce proceeding is deeply personal, and you may end up explaining intimate details of your personal life to a divorce judge…
Read More »Choosing the Right Lawyer for Your Uncontested Divorce
Deciding to get a divorce is a very difficult decision. Especially when you have shared your life with a person for years or even decades, getting a divorce means starting over, financial stress, and emotional anxiety. While some divorces can be high conflict and contentious, uncontested divorces are becoming more and more common. With an…
Read More »Health Insurance and Divorce
It is no secret that health care in the United States can be expensive. Health insurance can be complicated but usually helps to defray these considerable costs. Without health insurance, you could end up being stuck with a bill for tens of thousands of dollars or even more if you require health care. Accordingly, most…
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