Divorce and separation are emotionally complicated times, not only for the spouses or partners involved but also for any children the parents share. Separating into two households is a difficult time for the children, but typically children will adjust eventually to the “new normal.” It is very common for one or both of the parents…
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Signed Agreements for Grandparent Visitation
There are few joys in life that can compare to having grandchildren. Having grandchildren often means that you get to experience the fun of playing with your wonderful grandchildren while the parents still do the “heavy lifting” of the parenting. In the optimal situation, you will get along well with the parents, and you all…
Read More »Medical Records and Divorce
Medical treatment and divorce cases share one very obvious element – they are both inherently very personal processes. With both medical treatment and divorce, you will likely be required to disclose personal information to relative strangers. During medical treatment and divorce cases, you are likely to disclose information you would prefer remain confidential. There are…
Read More »When to Hire an Expert Witness
When you are facing a court case, you will be required to provide proof that supports your allegations and your defenses. A divorce or custody case is no exception to this. You will need to provide evidence that supports your position, including property division, debt division, child custody, and spousal maintenance, just to name a…
Read More »Who Gets the Family Dog?
Millions of Americans keep family pets, and dogs are the most popular selection. Dogs quickly become an integral part of a family unit. A divorce means breaking down and dividing the family unit, and when a dog is part of the family, the parties will need to consider what is to become of the dog. …
Read More »Appealing a Divorce Decree
There is a common saying that no one “wins” a divorce. After all, even if you get everything you ask the court for, your marriage is still over. However, there is still an undeniable difference between walking out of a divorce hearing having successfully argued for specific issues and walking out having lost on many…
Read More »When You Have an Attorney and Your Spouse Doesn’t
Deciding to get a divorce is a difficult and personal decision. Once you have made the choice to move forward with ending your marriage, your first step is likely to research and retain a family law attorney. However, just because you decide to hire a lawyer does not mean that your spouse will make the…
Read More »Innocent Spouse Relief and Taxes
In most marriages, the spouses will have a “division of labor” for the necessary tasks and chores associated with running a household and handling their affairs. It is not uncommon, for example, for one spouse to be mainly in charge of handling the parties’ finances, including filing taxes. However, as anyone knows, taxes can be…
Read More »Real Estate and Uncontested Divorce
It is increasingly common for law suits to be settled before they ever reach trial. Mediation, arbitration, and simple negotiation all help parties to reach middle ground and resolve their issues without the time and expense associated with trial. Divorce is no exception to this, and the vast majority of divorce cases are at least…
Read More »Do I Have To Do Discovery?
Legal proceedings usually require many different steps to move forward and come to a conclusion, and divorce and custody are not exceptions to this. Filing the proper pleadings, serving the other party, temporary hearings, are just a few examples of the steps in a divorce. Discovery is also frequently a necessary step in divorce, post-divorce,…
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