Many issues could arise during a divorce. Emotional, family, and economic conflicts are often the most common issues couples face during a legal separation. These challenges are even more prevalent when separating a couples’ previously shared income. Additionally, with many shared assets and debts, a question often asked is how to separate assets and debts…
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Should We Separate Assets Before Filing for Divorce?
The end of a relationship brings a great deal of change. Whereas in the past, parties have been working together to shore up their assets, pay down their debts, and plan for the future, a divorce means that they will need to move forward into a “new normal” that will include working alone for the…
Read More »Options for Real Estate Division
Part of the “American Dream” is to own your own home. Millions of Americans put a large amount of their monthly income toward paying the mortgage on their family home. The equity built in the real estate can help provide financial stability for you during your retirement. During a marriage, it is likely that you…
Read More »What is a QDRO?
Everyone knows it is important to plan for the future. An essential component of this plan for the future is making sure your retirement is stable and properly funded. When you are married, both you and your spouse will contribute to the plan for the future, whether that is with a monetary contribution or by…
Read More »Divorce and Inheritance
Divorce is a very difficult time. You and your spouse will mourn the loss of your relationship and the way you have been doing things and managing your life for years or even decades. During the time you spent with your spouse, you have both likely accumulated significant assets that could range from furniture to…
Read More »Why You Need a Lawyer for Your Divorce
Divorce can be one of the most emotionally and financially taxing experiences in a person’s life. It is not uncommon for divorce to be a watershed moment, where all events can be measured by what comes before and what comes after. Divorce can be a simple case or extremely complicated and stretch on for months…
Read More »Equitable Distribution Basics
Every divorce is different, just like every family is different. However, one issue that comes up in almost every divorce is division of property and debt. New Jersey is what is called an “equitable distribution state.” This means that during a divorce, a court will make an equitable distribution of marital assets and marital debts. …
Read More »What Won’t the Court Approve in a Divorce Settlement
Divorce is a very difficult time for everyone involved, including the spouses, their shared children, and even their extended family. Divorce is notorious for lasting for months or even years, and reaching into many very personal areas of the parties’ lives. A divorce trial can be expensive and emotionally exhausting, as the parties are required to discuss…
Read More »Family Businesses and Divorce
Small businesses help form the economic backbone of this country. Each year, millions of Americans start their own small business, and there are many more that have been in business for years, decades, or even longer. When you get married, you and your spouse are likely prepared to join forces and build your financial future…
Read More »Who Gets the Family Dog?
Millions of Americans keep family pets, and dogs are the most popular selection. Dogs quickly become an integral part of a family unit. A divorce means breaking down and dividing the family unit, and when a dog is part of the family, the parties will need to consider what is to become of the dog. …
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