Spousal support, also known as alimony, is a crucial aspect of many divorce proceedings. It is a periodic payment of support that one spouse may be required to provide to the other spouse when they are living separate and apart or have been divorced. It is designed to ensure that both parties can maintain a…
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How is Alimony Calculated?
Alimony is defined as the legal obligation one spouse has to another to provide financial support during a marital separation or after a divorce. Many years ago, alimony used to be paid by the party who broke the marital bonds, otherwise known as the “guilty party.” Since then, the laws in states have shifted, and…
Read More »When Does Alimony Stop In New Jersey?
Transcript Allison Williams: The duration of your alimony obligation will depend on your judgment of divorce. Typically, parties resolve their divorce cases by settlement. If your settlement memorializes an exact date when your alimony will stop, then that is the date you should go by. There may be circumstances you can extend that date, but…
Read More »Who Gets Alimony and Why
Financial issues are at the very center of many divorces. Divorce is frequently one of the most emotionally and financially difficult times in a person’s life. When people are married, they combine resources and finances to provide for their current needs while also preparing for their future. In many cases, spouses make approximately the same…
Read More »Why You Need a Lawyer for Your Divorce
Divorce can be one of the most emotionally and financially taxing experiences in a person’s life. It is not uncommon for divorce to be a watershed moment, where all events can be measured by what comes before and what comes after. Divorce can be a simple case or extremely complicated and stretch on for months…
Read More »Stopping Spousal Support
Divorce is often an enormous milestone for most people. People often can see it as a watershed moment, and their lives can be measured by what came before the divorce and what came after. For most people, divorce is one of the most financially difficult events in their lives. Especially for spouses who have traditionally…
Read More »Spousal Maintenance and Lump Sum Payments
During a marriage, parties work together to build their financial future. In some cases, both spouses work outside the home. In others, one spouse works while the other spouse attends school and gets a better degree. Still others may choose for one spouse to stay home with the parties’ children while the other spouse works. …
Read More »Neutral Financial Experts
Divorce can present serious financial issues for both spouses. During a marriage, the spouses pool resources and work together to keep the household running. However, after divorce is over, the two spouses will have to learn to reorganize their finances, restructure their budget, and run their household alone. Financial decisions made during the divorce have…
Read More »Will I Stop Getting Alimony When I Remarry?
For most people, divorce is a financially difficult time. Whereas a couple has had the ability to rely on each other and pool their resources, after the divorce, each spouse will have to figure out how to make ends meet without the benefit of the emotional and financial support of the other spouse. When one…
Read More »How Alimony Payments Are Affected By Retirement
We all look forward to the day when we can retire. We work hard with our family to build our financial future so we can spend our retirement devoting our time and energy to family and favorite hobbies. However, when there has been a divorce, this results in new financial realities for both parties. When…
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