Child support is a critical aspect of ensuring a child’s needs are satisfied when parents are divorced. In New Jersey, child support is commonly determined by using the New Jersey Child Support Guidelines. The Guidelines have a predefined table that estimates the amount spent on children in intact families based on parental income and number…
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Enforcing Court Orders and Agreements: What to Do When the Other Party Isn’t Complying
If your co-parent or a former spouse is not adhering to the terms of an order issued by the court, or agreement following a divorce, it can be stressful and frustrating! However, there are steps you can take to enforce these orders and protect your rights. Here’s a guide to navigating this situation: Document Non-Compliance…
Read More »When Your Ex Stops Paying Child Support During COVID
The financial impact of the coronavirus is causing trouble for families across the world. Many people lost their jobs, and others had to cut back on their work to support children who are no longer attending school in person. If your former partner stops paying child support during this time, that unexpected loss of income…
Read More »Child Support Calculation Basics
Children are a great source of joy and pride to their families. There are few joys in life like helping your child to grow and thrive. Together with expanding your family, however, comes often significant expenses. Any child support attorney will tell you that the amount of child support ordered at the conclusion of a…
Read More »What If I Don’t Agree With the Child Custody Decision?
Family law cases can be a watershed moment in a person’s life. Everything can be measured before what comes “before” and what comes “after.” Child custody determinations are often at the very center of the most complicated and hotly contested cases. Child custody cases can be a part of a divorce, be coupled with a…
Read More »How to Prove Parental Alienation
Divorce, separation, and custody disputes are disruptive and cause instability for all involved, no matter how cordial the parents may be during the process. Although most parents can come through the process understanding the fundamental harm that can come from intentionally attempting to poison your child against the other parent, this is unfortunately not always…
Read More »Overtime, Pensions, and Trust Distributions – Extra Income and Child Support
Any parent can tell you that raising children can get very expensive. In addition to the basic needs of food, shelter, and clothing, there are also fees associated with extracurricular activities, toys, and college tuition, just to name a few. When you and the other parent reside together and shoulder the cost and responsibility together,…
Read More »Gifted Children and Child Support
Raising children is a rewarding endeavor, but any parent can tell you that it is also expensive. When the parents live together, they combine resources to help make sure that the child’s needs are met. After a divorce or separation, the court will enter an order for child support. In New Jersey, there is a…
Read More »College and Child Support
Any parent can tell you that raising children can be very expensive. As a result, child support often becomes the crux of family law cases. Parents spend a lot of time trying to figure out and settle on the correct number for child support. This is true even though New Jersey uses a specific calculation…
Read More »Financial Mistakes in Divorce
Divorce is a watershed moment, where all events in your life are often thought of as what came before and what came after. The divorce will mean making some very important and sometimes challenging decisions, including what is best for your children, whether to switch careers, or where to live, just to name a few.…
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