Getting engaged is a very thrilling time. Two people agreeing to build their life together and face life’s challenges as a team is an exciting prospect. Planning the wedding and planning for all the years to come is an important time in the couple’s life. Traditionally, the engagement is started when one person presents another…
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Do I Have to Divide My Retirement?
Planning for the future requires attention to many separate components. You will need to focus on the “big picture” of your overall goals, as well as having a narrower focus on the steps you need to take to achieve those goals. For most people, achieving these goals includes taking a close look at finances and…
Read More »Financial Mistakes in Divorce
Divorce is a watershed moment, where all events in your life are often thought of as what came before and what came after. The divorce will mean making some very important and sometimes challenging decisions, including what is best for your children, whether to switch careers, or where to live, just to name a few.…
Read More »Equitable Division and Offsets
Getting a divorce is one of the most difficult decisions you will likely ever face. Even after you have decided to move forward with the divorce or have been served with papers from your spouse, many important decisions still remain. Property division will be an issue in almost every divorce. You and your spouse have…
Read More »Deferred Compensation Distribution and Divorce
People work hard their entire lives to build wealth and assets. This will provide stability not only when they are of working age, but also after they retire. Assets saved for retirement can be a substantial asset to be considered and divided during a divorce. Regardless of which spouse’s name is associated with the actual…
Read More »Separate or Marital Property – Why Does It Matter?
During a marriage, spouses work for years or even decades to build stability and plan for their future. Typically this life-building includes amassing assets. These assets could take many forms ranging from real estate to art collections to retirement accounts. Moreover, it is very possible that the parties came into the marriage already having some…
Read More »Commingling
When the spouses decide to divorce, there will be many issues the parties need to address. The spouses will have to think about child custody, who will take which vehicle, and whether either of them can afford to keep the marital residence, just to name a few. One of the central issues in many divorce…
Read More »Temporary Hearings
Deciding to get a divorce is a difficult choice. There is a lot of uncertainty for both parties going into the case, and whereas the parties have previously worked together to keep their household running, the beginning of a divorce is likely to change that. Adding to the turbulence and uncertainty at the outset of…
Read More »Pros and Cons of Prenuptial Agreements
The beginning of a marriage is a time full of hope and excitement. When a couple is just starting their life together, the last thing they want to consider is divorce. However, in some circumstances it may be important for the parties to consider that exact scenario. A prenuptial agreement is a contract that allows…
Read More »Avoid These Mistakes When Dividing 401(k) Assets During Divorce
We all work hard to prepare for retirement. During a marriage, we spend years and sometimes even decades planning for our future and saving for retirement. If you and your spouse are divorcing, you will have to make new plans for the future and readjust your view to envision your retirement without the financial assets…
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