Giving gifts and surprises to our family can be a lot of fun both for the giver and the family member receiving the gift. These gifts can range from a small token up to a lavish gift such as a new car. When a relationship falls apart, one of the issues in almost every divorce…
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Options for Real Estate Division
Part of the “American Dream” is to own your own home. Millions of Americans put a large amount of their monthly income toward paying the mortgage on their family home. The equity built in the real estate can help provide financial stability for you during your retirement. During a marriage, it is likely that you…
Read More »What Does Equitable Distribution Mean?
There are many working parts to a divorce. No doubt, you and your family attorney have discussed the different elements of your divorce, which may include a variety of issues ranging from child support to spousal maintenance. One issue that is likely at the center of your divorce is property division. New Jersey is what…
Read More »Financial Focuses for Your Uncontested Divorce
Making the decision to move forward with your divorce can be complicated and involves many moving parts. Although some divorces can be highly contested, there are many situations in which spouses can work together to resolve their issues and complete an uncontested divorce. Uncontested divorces allow the parties to come to solutions that are tailor-made…
Read More »What is a QDRO?
Everyone knows it is important to plan for the future. An essential component of this plan for the future is making sure your retirement is stable and properly funded. When you are married, both you and your spouse will contribute to the plan for the future, whether that is with a monetary contribution or by…
Read More »Proving Pre-Marital Value of a Business
Millions of Americans own their own business. Small businesses form an important and essential sector of the American economy. It is not uncommon for everyone in the family to work at the business for years or even their entire lifetime. The children of the business owners and even the children’s children may make a career…
Read More »Divorce and Inheritance
Divorce is a very difficult time. You and your spouse will mourn the loss of your relationship and the way you have been doing things and managing your life for years or even decades. During the time you spent with your spouse, you have both likely accumulated significant assets that could range from furniture to…
Read More »Equitable Distribution Basics
Every divorce is different, just like every family is different. However, one issue that comes up in almost every divorce is division of property and debt. New Jersey is what is called an “equitable distribution state.” This means that during a divorce, a court will make an equitable distribution of marital assets and marital debts. …
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