
Our Blogs

Best Interest Factors
Best Interest Factors
Parents always work hard to make sure that they provide the best they can for their children.  This holds true in terms of education, nurturing, health care, and...
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Are Adult Children Affected By Divorce?
Are Adult Children Affected By Divorce?
The end of a marriage is never easy, especially if the couple has children together.  Many couples will try to stay together and make the marriage work until...
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Will I Stop Getting Alimony When I Remarry?
Will I Stop Getting Alimony When I Remarry?
For most people, divorce is a financially difficult time.  Whereas a couple has had the ability to rely on each other and pool their resources, after the divorce,...
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Consequences for Violating a Visitation Order
Consequences for Violating a Visitation Order
Parents work hard to make sure that their children have a secure and stable home environment where they can flourish.  When the parents are separated or divorced, maintaining...
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How Alimony Payments Are Affected By Retirement
How Alimony Payments Are Affected By Retirement
We all look forward to the day when we can retire.  We work hard with our family to build our financial future so we can spend our retirement...
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Study Suggests There is a Link Between a Woman’s Professional Success and Divorce
Study Suggests There is a Link Between a Woman’s Professional Success and Divorce
The structure of the family unit has changed substantially over the past few decades.  It was once the standard for the wife to stay home with the children...
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Alternatives to Paying Alimony After the New Tax Law Takes Effect
Alternatives to Paying Alimony After the New Tax Law Takes Effect
The new administration has ushered in a large number of changes.  One of the most comprehensive is the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.  The new tax law modified...
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Why Is January “Divorce Month?”
Why Is January “Divorce Month?”
It is no secret that many businesses have busy seasons.  Accountants have tax season, car salesman have spring, and retailers have the holidays.  What many do not realize,...
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Pros and Cons of Prenuptial Agreements
Pros and Cons of Prenuptial Agreements
The beginning of a marriage is a time full of hope and excitement.  When a couple is just starting their life together, the last thing they want to...
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Avoid These Mistakes When Dividing 401(k) Assets During Divorce
Avoid These Mistakes When Dividing 401(k) Assets During Divorce
We all work hard to prepare for retirement.  During a marriage, we spend years and sometimes even decades planning for our future and saving for retirement.  If you...
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