The children and their well-being is central in the life of every parent. When a relationship or even a marriage falls apart and the parents are facing a custody case, the courts will make a decision about what type of custody and visitation arrangement is in the children’s best interest. In the optimal circumstance, the…
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Grandparents’ Rights
Ask any grandparent, and they will tell you that having a grandchild is one of the most exciting and fulfilling stages of life. Playing with grandchildren, helping them grow, and providing them with love and support are all central grandparent roles. In the optimal situation, grandparents and parents get along and cooperate to provide the…
Read More »Can I Move Out-of-State With My Child?
Our society is becoming increasingly mobile. It is no longer uncommon for people to relocate far away from the places where they were born and raised, and to move several more times once they reach adulthood. When you are married or in a committed relationship, it is typical for your spouse or partner to accompany…
Read More »Co-Parenting With a Narcissist
Parenting can be a very challenging, albeit rewarding, job. Even when you and the other parent are residing together and have a healthy relationship, parenting your shared children can lead to disagreements. After a divorce or separation, these disagreements and challenges can be exacerbated, as there are often other lingering issues between the parents that…
Read More »Summer Camp, Vacation, and Summer School – Parenting Disputes During Summer Break
School children all over the United States look forward to summer break all year. During summer, families can take vacations, pursue hobbies, and spend time together without worrying about homework or projects. There may be other more structured activities during the summer, such as summer camp or even summer school. When parents are still living…
Read More »Why Does My Signed Agreement Need to Be Part of a Court Order?
Moving forward with a family law dispute is never easy. Divorce, custody, or even stand-alone child support cases usually signal a fundamental change in the life of the parties. In recent years, there has been a strong movement toward resolving cases out of court, and family law is no exception. Settling your case before you…
Read More »Grandparent Visitation
Many children benefit immensely from spending quality time with their grandparents and other extended family members. Unfortunately, when parents separate or disagree on custody, these grandparents can lose contact with the child when the parents are not cooperative. If the grandparent had played a significant role in the child’s life, the child can suffer. To…
Read More »Child Support Calculation Basics
Children are a great source of joy and pride to their families. There are few joys in life like helping your child to grow and thrive. Together with expanding your family, however, comes often significant expenses. Any child support attorney will tell you that the amount of child support ordered at the conclusion of a…
Read More »Do I Need a Temporary Order?
The beginning of a divorce is a tumultuous time. You and your soon-to-be-former spouse will need to make a lot of adjustments, including dividing property, making decisions about who will pay which bills, finding a new house, and discussing a division of parenting time. In many cases, parties are able to come to an agreement…
Read More »What If I Don’t Agree With the Child Custody Decision?
Family law cases can be a watershed moment in a person’s life. Everything can be measured before what comes “before” and what comes “after.” Child custody determinations are often at the very center of the most complicated and hotly contested cases. Child custody cases can be a part of a divorce, be coupled with a…
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