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New Jersey Parenting Plans: Guidelines for Co-Parenting

Planning for Co-Parenting

Just as parenting doesn’t come with an instruction manual, neither does co-parenting. Moreover, co-parenting presents many additional challenges, meaning it is even more important you have guidelines. And, no one has written the definitive book on co-parenting because each family is unique, and each set of co-parents faces unique challenges. For this reason, New Jersey parenting plans must be filed in divorce or custody cases when the parents cannot agree on all matters. A parenting plan can be used to help co-parents successfully raise their child together.

What Do New Jersey Parenting Plans Do?

A parenting plan, also called a parenting agreement or custody arrangement, provides the guidelines needed for successful co-parenting. When the parents cannot agree, a parenting plan serves as a legal document that holds each parent accountable. Parenting plans include the custody determination, certain guidelines for raising your child, and a parenting time schedule. A parenting time schedule outlines the division of parenting time each parent will have. For example, the parenting time schedule may indicate the days and times during the week one parent may spend with the child. Typically, parents can engage in mediation if they cannot agree on what to include in the parenting plan. If mediation is unsuccessful, the parents have to take the matter to court.

New Jersey parenting plans ensure each parent has the guidelines needed to meet all the child’s needs. When creating a parenting plan, the standard is what is in the best interests of the child. In other words, the decisions made in the parenting plan must be made with the child’s needs and not the parents’ preferences in mind. Creating a parenting plan is difficult, especially if custody is contested or there are concerns of child abuse or neglect. You may want to consult with a knowledgeable New Jersey custody attorney if you need to create a parenting plan but don’t know where to start. An attorney can advise you of your rights as a parent and help you navigate the process of creating a parenting plan that is truly in the best interests of your child.

Do you need a New Jersey parenting plan? If so, Williams Law Group, LLC can assist you. The skilled attorneys at Williams Law Group, LLC will help you create a parenting plan that looks out for your child’s best interests. Located in Union, New Jersey, Williams Law Group, LLC provides compassionate and dedicated legal services to Union, Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Morris, Monmouth, and Middlesex counties, and the surrounding areas. Our knowledgeable attorneys handle divorce and family law, child custody, and child abuse/neglect cases. Call our office at (908) 810-1083, email us at, or contact us through our confidential online form to schedule a consultation and ultimately get you connected with an experienced New Jersey divorce and child custody attorney.

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