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Co-Parenting Tips For Summer Break

Kids look forward to their summer vacation all year long, but divorced parents may not share this excitement for the summer season. Co-parenting with an ex-spouse is never easy, but it becomes especially difficult during the summertime. Survive the summer with these co-parenting tips:

Reserve Time for Special Occasions

Let your ex-spouse know if there are any special occasions occurring over the summer. For example, if you have a summer birthday, it’s important to tell your ex-spouse that you would like to be with the kids to celebrate. Special occasions like birthdays, graduations, and family reunions should be marked on the calendar as soon as possible so parents can create a parenting plan around these events.

Share Vacation Plans

Many parents want to take their children on vacation during the summer. If you plan on taking a trip, it’s important to share your plans with your ex-spouse as soon as possible. Communicating your travel plans will ensure your ex-spouse knows not to plan anything for your children during this time.

Be Flexible

It’s easy to establish a routine during the school year since kids are on the same schedule five days per week. However, it’s much more difficult to create a routine during the summer, when a child’s plans can change from day-to-day. This can create chaos, but the key to surviving the summer is flexibility. Being flexible will make it much easier to create a summer parenting plan with your ex-spouse.

Don’t Compete

Do not try to outdo the other parent when spending time with your children. If your ex-spouse takes your child to the zoo, there’s no need to one-up him by taking your child to Disney World. Competing with your ex-spouse can create tension that your child will inevitably pick up on. For this reason, it’s never a good idea to compete for your child’s love and affection.

Ask For Input

Parents should come up with a basic parenting plan for the summer on their own. Once it’s complete, it’s best for them to share their plans with their children and ask for their input. This helps children feel more involved in the process, and it also ensures they know exactly what to expect during their summer break.

Do you need help co-parenting? The skilled attorneys at Williams Law Group, LLC can help parents negotiate the terms of summer parenting plans. We will always fight to protect the best interests of your children. Call our office at (908) 810-1083, email us at, or contact us through our confidential online form to schedule a consultation.

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