
Our Blogs

Do I Need a Protective Order
Do I Need a Protective Order
Millions of Americans suffer from domestic violence.  Many people think of domestic violence in terms of physical abuse, but domestic violence can also include emotional abuse, harassment, and...
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Deferred Compensation Distribution and Divorce
Deferred Compensation Distribution and Divorce
People work hard their entire lives to build wealth and assets.  This will provide stability not only when they are of working age, but also after they retire. ...
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Separate or Marital Property – Why Does It Matter?
Separate or Marital Property – Why Does It Matter?
During a marriage, spouses work for years or even decades to build stability and plan for their future.  Typically this life-building includes amassing assets.  These assets could take...
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When the spouses decide to divorce, there will be many issues the parties need to address.  The spouses will have to think about child custody, who will take...
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Standing to Establish Paternity
Standing to Establish Paternity
Over the past few decades, the structure of the “typical” American family has changed dramatically.  Whereas having children out of wedlock used to be totally taboo, many couples...
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Child Support Arrearages
Child Support Arrearages
Any parent can tell you that children absorb a lot of resources, including financial resources.  Raising children is expensive, and adding up food, lodging, clothing, daycare expenses, medical...
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Mediated Settlement Agreement Requirements
Mediated Settlement Agreement Requirements
Divorce cases are notorious for dragging out months or even years.  Family law cases, including divorce, can be highly contentious, especially because of the highly personal nature of...
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Who Needs a Prenup?
Who Needs a Prenup?
The beginning of a marriage is an exciting time. The happy couple is just starting out in life and can look forward to the years of building a...
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Temporary Hearings
Temporary Hearings
Deciding to get a divorce is a difficult choice.  There is a lot of uncertainty for both parties going into the case, and whereas the parties have previously...
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College Expenses After Divorce
College Expenses After Divorce
Parents spend a lot of time helping their children plan for their future, and taking the steps necessary to achieve their goals and dreams.  For many children, this...
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