
Our Blogs

College and Child Support
College and Child Support
Any parent can tell you that raising children can be very expensive.  As a result, child support often becomes the crux of family law cases.  Parents spend a...
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When to Hire an Expert Witness
When to Hire an Expert Witness
When you are facing a court case, you will be required to provide proof that supports your allegations and your defenses.  A divorce or custody case is no...
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Equitable Distribution Basics
Equitable Distribution Basics
Every divorce is different, just like every family is different.  However, one issue that comes up in almost every divorce is division of property and debt.  New Jersey...
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Domestic Violence and B.L.F. v. T.G.C.
Domestic Violence and B.L.F. v. T.G.C.
Domestic violence, unfortunately, impacts millions of people every day.  In the United States, one in three women and one in four men have experienced domestic violence.  Although most...
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What Won’t the Court Approve in a Divorce Settlement
What Won’t the Court Approve in a Divorce Settlement
Divorce is a very difficult time for everyone involved, including the spouses, their shared children, and even their extended family.  Divorce is notorious for lasting for months or...
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Family Businesses and Divorce
Family Businesses and Divorce
Small businesses help form the economic backbone of this country.  Each year, millions of Americans start their own small business, and there are many more that have been...
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Who Gets the Family Dog?
Who Gets the Family Dog?
Millions of Americans keep family pets, and dogs are the most popular selection.  Dogs quickly become an integral part of a family unit.  A divorce means breaking down...
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Appealing a Divorce Decree
Appealing a Divorce Decree
There is a common saying that no one “wins” a divorce.  After all, even if you get everything you ask the court for, your marriage is still over. ...
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Who Keeps the Engagement Ring?
Who Keeps the Engagement Ring?
Getting engaged is a very thrilling time.  Two people agreeing to build their life together and face life’s challenges as a team is an exciting prospect.  Planning the...
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Can I Travel With My Child?
Can I Travel With My Child?
Sharing hobbies and interests with your child is one of the most rewarding experiences a parent can have.  Helping a child to learn and grow is a wonderful...
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