Optimizing Your Attorney-Client Relationship
When facing legal issues regarding your child and your family, it’s important to work with a child abuse defense attorney who can make you feel comfortable. This is likely a difficult time in your life, making the quality of your attorney-client relationship an important factor. To make the most of your attorney-client relationship, follow these ten tips.
1. Talk Openly
Tell your attorney everything. The more they know about your situation, the better they can help you. Your family law or child abuse defense attorney is not there to judge you. Share your story, in its entirety, with your attorney and your attorney only.
2. Get Clarification
Some people are disappointed in what their attorneys can accomplish. But some of this disappointment stems from misunderstandings. Come to every meeting with a list of questions, but clarify essentials—like billing practices—at your first meeting. The more you understand, the more appropriate your expectations will be.
3. Know What You Want
It’s also crucial to be clear about your hopes for your case. Your attorney can’t make certain decisions for you, so make sure you have a good idea of what you want and tell that to your attorney.
4. Do Your Homework
If your attorney instructs you to fill out a form, gather information, or provide documents, do it in a timely manner. Case delays are sometimes due to trivial things such as forgetting to file a form on time, especially in litigation. To make the most of your time with your attorney, be prompt with all client “homework.”
5. Be Available
Respond to emails and calls from your attorney as soon as you can. Your attorney could need information from you to do your casework. This, in turn, can help your attorney do his or her job more efficiently, which is good for both of you.
6. Follow Your Attorney’s Advice
There is no sense in paying an attorney unless you take his or her advice. If your attorney tells you to not talk to a specific person, don’t do it. If your attorney tells you to steer clear of social media, by all means, steer clear. This brings me to the next tip.
7. Trust Your Attorney
For many people, their first experience with an attorney doesn’t come until they are in trouble and need help. But you have a right to an attorney when facing Title 9 or Title 30 proceedings. Some people are naturally distrustful of attorneys. The media sometimes depicts attorneys as unethical, money-grabbing, and swindling. In reality, this stereotype represents a very small percentage of practicing attorneys. It’s important to trust that your attorney has your best interests in mind. Trust will facilitate a productive attorney-client relationship.
8. Stay Levelheaded
Another unfortunate media portrayal of attorneys is the attorney who is a “shark” and can get their client impossible results. Be reasonable with your expectations. Attorneys are skilled professionals with knowledge of the legal system and the experience needed to make the system work for you. They cannot break laws, hide the truth, or cover up your mistakes. They can, however, help the court and the litigants overlook those mistakes and focus on the good.
9. Be Reliable
Show up on time to your meetings and court dates. Be a participant, not an observer, in your case.
10. Be Patient
Attorneys typically handle many cases at a time. And given the nature of certain family law cases, delays are normal. If you expect responses from emails and calls within a few hours, you should probably clarify your expectations before you retain your attorney. Many attorneys have their paralegals or assistants handle quick callbacks and email responses. These are trained professionals who are just as familiar with your case as your attorney. But if you prefer to hear back directly from your attorney, try to be patient.
These tips should give you the tools you need to make the most of your attorney-client relationship. For many, an attorney is an investment but one that protects what matters most in this world: family. Thus, makes sure you are doing all you can to make that investment work for you.
Do you need the help of a New Jersey child abuse defense attorney? If so, Williams Law Group, LLC can help you protect your rights and those of your child. Located in Short Hills, New Jersey, Williams Law Group, LLC provides compassionate and dedicated legal services to Union, Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Morris, Monmouth, and Middlesex counties, and the surrounding areas. Our knowledgeable attorneys handle divorce and family law, child custody, and child abuse/neglect cases. Call our office at (908) 810-1083, email us at info@awilliamslawgroup.com, or contact us through our confidential online form to schedule a consultation and ultimately get connected with an experienced New Jersey divorce and child custody attorney.