
Our Blogs

Can I Move Out-of-State With My Child?
Can I Move Out-of-State With My Child?
Our society is becoming increasingly mobile.  It is no longer uncommon for people to relocate far away from the places where they were born and raised, and to...
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Co-Parenting With a Narcissist
Co-Parenting With a Narcissist
Parenting can be a very challenging, albeit rewarding, job.  Even when you and the other parent are residing together and have a healthy relationship, parenting your shared children...
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Common Mistakes in Parenting Plans
Common Mistakes in Parenting Plans
The end of a marriage or relationship is difficult for everyone involved, including not only the direct parties but also the children and sometimes even the extended family...
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What Is a Parenting Coordinator?
What Is a Parenting Coordinator?
Parents work hard to make sure that their children are safe and raised in an environment where they can thrive.  When the parents reside together, they will work...
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