Family Law & Divorce Lawyers | Short Hills & Parsippany, NJ

New Jersey DYFS Defense is Changing with the Times!

Hi Everyone!  For the past few years, has provided top-quality information, insights and perspectives on the topic of child abuse and neglect and the agency entrusted with investigating same.  Until February 29, 2013, that agency was most commonly known as DYFS – the Division of Youth and Family Services.  However, with an overhaul of agency protocol and procedure came a new name.  Now, DYFS is known as DCPP – the Division of Child Protection and Permanency.

Though we are loathe to accept that the agency in our state entrusted with investigating often quite serious allegations such as child sexual abuse is referred to as “PP”, it is with much chagrin that we accept it.  And so, today, NewJerseyDYFSDefense will now be known as NewJerseyDCPPdefense.  We will function as we always have — to provide our perspective on how the child welfare systems works (and fails to work) for the families in this state.  We will continue to provide commentary and to refrain from giving legal advice.

And most importantly, we will continue to respond to your thoughts, concerns and questions by publishing content designed to enlighten our constituents about Child Welfare law, procedure and policy.

Stay tuned for more great content.

If you or someone you know is involved with the child welfare agency, DCPP, please contact The Williams Law Group, LLC, for a consultation.

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