The unthinkable has happened. You’re on the brink of losing custody of your children and potentially facing severe legal ramifications, thanks to false allegations that you abused or neglected your child.
In the pantheon of “parental nightmares,” this scenario ranks among the most awful. On one hand, the allegations have likely touched off a firestorm of emotions, including frustration, incredulity, anger, depression and helplessness. On the other hand, they have also likely left you confused and overwhelmed about your options.
What should you do? Where should you start? What mistakes might you make? What unforeseen obstacles might be in your way? What tactics or strategies, legal and otherwise, can you use to overcome adversity, clear your name and protect your family relationships?
This eBook/series of blog posts will introduce you to resourceful and powerful insights into the defense process and help you reclaim peace of mind and clarity. The information herein should not be construed as legal advice; but it hopefully can help you more energetically and effectively meet your diverse challenges.
Over the following pages/blog posts entries, we will cover the following areas:
Part 1 – Key Ideas That Parents Charged with Abuse or Neglect Need to Understand
This section will be a kind of crash course or “101” style introduction to the defense process. It will introduce you to workings of the Division of Child Protection and Permanency (DCP&P), formerly known as the Division of Youth and Family Services (DYFS), and discuss common strategic and tactical concerns.
Part 2 – Fighting Back: Defense Options and Strategies
Next, we’ll walk you through several common (but unfortunately not well known or understood) strategies to fight back against DCP&P and help you seize every opportunity to reunify with your child, protect your reputation, and manage other legal issues and encumbrances along the way.
Part 3 – FAQ’s
Myths and misconceptions abound about how to defend against child abuse and neglect allegations. We will address common concerns, so you can get a preview of your challenges and prepare yourself accordingly.
Part 4 – Special Section for Doctors, Mental Health Professionals, and Criminal Defense Lawyers Who Have Patients of Clients Accused of Abuse Or Neglect
Whether you’re a criminal defense attorney who represents a parent who stands falsely accused of child abuse as a result of a contentious custody battle, a psychiatrist conflicted about what to do about a patient’s disturbing admissions, or a pediatrician who noticed unusual bruises on a child that you feel compelled to report, you want to know how to handle the situation ethically and legally. This section will provide some answers.
Bonus Sections
We may also include an interview with attorney Allison C. Williams, as well as firsthand stories from clients who have fought false neglect and abuse charges and been reunified with their children.
Please enjoy this book/series, and get in touch with an attorney here at the Williams Law Group, LLC at (908) 810-1083 for help with your case.