Family Law & Divorce Lawyers | Short Hills & Parsippany, NJ

Getting Control of Your Life As You Fight False Allegations

You face no shortages of technical and legal challenges, as someone who stands falsely accused of abusing or neglecting your children. To make headway and to prevent other aspects of your life from going off the rails, you need to think strategically.

Restoring your confidence, repairing your family and strengthening your relationships requires more than just winning your case; you must address other elements of your life, your career and your psychology. In this brief chapter, we will touch on your unique challenges and discuss strategic solutions to them.

Organizing Your Thinking and Getting a Grip on Your Commitments

Fighting against false allegations is infuriating and frustrating, not just because it violates your sense of justice, but also because it consumes so much emotional and intellectual bandwidth. The battle can prevent you from taking care of other areas of your life that may be critically important. For instance, maybe you’re dealing with an awful, recently diagnosed medical issue, like type 2 diabetes, or perhaps a sick friend or parent depends on you for care and comfort.

Also, consider that your life was probably quite busy prior to the false allegations that blindsided you. Like a Chinese circus performer spinning 30 plates at once — or like a character out of Cat In The Hat — it’s only a matter of time before something metaphorically “falls and breaks.” You need pay the bills, potentially deal with a divorce, take care of your children (if they are still in your custody), hire an attorney and beyond.

Stress and Uncertainty: They Go Together Like Chocolate and Peanut Butter

In addition to being overloaded, you face uncertainty about your future:

  • Will you reunite with your children? If so, when and how?
  • What will the fall-out be for your career, for your relationship, and for your mental and emotional health?
  • How long will it take to get better answers and develop a strategy?
  • What should you be doing (or not doing) right now to maximize your chances of getting good results?
  • Who can be trusted as an ally?
  • What support do you need from your financial advisor, your nanny, your attorney and your therapist?

These unknowns create a permanent background noise. Consciously, you may forget about them. Unconsciously, though, your mind won’t let go; it will always remember that you need to do something about something. Like a computer that has overtaxed its Random Access Memory (RAM), your over-committed mind will run slower and less effectively. You’ll struggle to focus clearly, make mindful decisions and restrain impulsive behavior.

Failure to manage this agitation can have ramifications for your case. For instance, in response to the uncertainty, you might start to drink heavily or fall behind in your job. The division can note such failures of competence and use them as evidence to imply that you have a drinking problem or that you’re not a trustworthy employee or parent.

Finally, you may be distracted by the case itself, which can feed back in unhelpful ways. For instance, perhaps you’re going through a divorce, and your ex-spouse accused you of abuse to win points in a custody negotiation. Or maybe a trusted teacher or a family friend “turned against you,” for whatever reason. It’s easy to become obsessed with thinking about the broken relationship to the point that you’re unable to focus on what’s really important.

For skillful, experienced assistance battling back against untrue allegations of child abuse or neglect, call the Williams Law Group, LLC immediately at (908) 810-1083.

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