The end of a marriage or long term relationship is a difficult time for both sides. In most cases, one of the first steps taken by the spouses or partners is to establish two separate households. After this physical separation, the parties may keep in contact, especially if they share children, but in some cases,…
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What is “Burden of Proof” and Why Does It Matter In My Divorce?
Civil cases have many rules and procedures. Family law cases are no exception to this, and when seeking a divorce, understanding these rules can be the difference between an efficient and easy uncontested divorce or having to return to court several times to receive a final hearing. For example, making sure the other party has…
Read More »Why Does My Signed Agreement Need to Be Part of a Court Order?
Moving forward with a family law dispute is never easy. Divorce, custody, or even stand-alone child support cases usually signal a fundamental change in the life of the parties. In recent years, there has been a strong movement toward resolving cases out of court, and family law is no exception. Settling your case before you…
Read More »Choosing the Right Witnesses for Your Divorce
Deciding to get a divorce is a very difficult decision. You have likely spent countless hours trying to decide whether to go through with the decision and once you decided you have, deciding the appropriate timing. Hiring an attorney, gathering evidence, and helping your attorney with strategy planning are just a few of the tasks…
Read More »Do I Need a Temporary Order?
The beginning of a divorce is a tumultuous time. You and your soon-to-be-former spouse will need to make a lot of adjustments, including dividing property, making decisions about who will pay which bills, finding a new house, and discussing a division of parenting time. In many cases, parties are able to come to an agreement…
Read More »What to Expect From Your Divorce Hearing
Deciding to file for divorce is a challenging decision. When deciding whether to move forward with your divorce, there are a variety of considerations, including financial, emotional, and custodial. Although most divorces end with a settlement, this is not always possible. In some situations, parties will not be able to reach a settlement on some…
Read More »Proper Courtroom Decorum
Facing a final hearing in a family law case can be a nerve-wracking experience. This is especially true for those who have never been to court and do not know what to expect. In a family law case, the judge is considering highly personal issues, such as how your property will be divided and where…
Read More »What If I Don’t Agree With the Child Custody Decision?
Family law cases can be a watershed moment in a person’s life. Everything can be measured before what comes “before” and what comes “after.” Child custody determinations are often at the very center of the most complicated and hotly contested cases. Child custody cases can be a part of a divorce, be coupled with a…
Read More »Do I Have to Go to Mediation?
Getting a divorce is a watershed moment, where all events in life can be measured as what came before and what came after. Divorce can be a very stressful event, even when the spouses get along relatively well and are willing to work together to resolve the issues. The vast majority of civil cases are…
Read More »UCCJEA Basics
The end of a relationship brings about many changes. Obviously the demise of a relationship is a time of emotional transition, even if the relationship was relatively brief. Also, the parties will need to separate finances, set up their respective households, and need to learn to co-parent even though they no longer share a romantic…
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