Family or domestic violence is a painful and serious issue that affects countless individuals and families. One of the most effective legal tools to combat violence and threats within one’s family or home is a protective order, also known as a Temporary Restraining Order. This blog will outline the process of securing such an order…
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Impact of Domestic Violence on Children in Short Hills
When someone is accused of family violence, two things can happen. Often, one party will apply for a temporary restraining order against the alleged perpetrator. However, the Division of Child Protection and Permanency (DCPP) can also become involved in these types of situations and may investigate the family. Allegations of domestic abuse may also lead…
Read More »Domestic Violence and COVID-19
Over the summer, the New York Times stated that cases of child abuse dropped by more than 50 percent during the pandemic. Sadly, that number is not a good sign. With students learning remotely from their homes, teachers are not having direct contact with many children and therefore cannot report indications of abuse. Relatedly, domestic…
Read More »Domestic Violence and B.L.F. v. T.G.C.
Domestic violence, unfortunately, impacts millions of people every day. In the United States, one in three women and one in four men have experienced domestic violence. Although most people think of domestic violence in terms of physical violence, it can also include emotional abuse or financial abuse. There are several options for help for victims…
Read More »The Role of Domestic Violence In Divorce
There are a multitude of reasons why people decide to divorce. Adultery, financial infidelity, or just growing apart over the years are just a few of these reasons. Unfortunately, one common reason is domestic violence. Millions of Americans are victims of domestic violence. Domestic violence includes not only physical abuse, but also emotional abuse, financial…
Read More »Discovery and Divorce
What is Discovery? During the divorce process, there is a period known as the discovery period. The length of this period can be decided by the attorneys involved or the judge in the case depending on the circumstances. The standard discovery length is 120 days from service of the divorce complaint. This period is a time…
Read More »Temporary vs. Final Domestic Violence Restraining Orders in New Jersey
Domestic violence victims often stay in dangerous situations because they feel there is no way to protect themselves from their abuser. But, this is not the case. There are two types of domestic violence restraining orders in New Jersey that are designed to keep victims safe. Here’s what you should know about temporary vs. final…
Read More »Spying on Spouses in New Jersey
We live in a world surrounded by technology. Every day, more and more of our lives and interactions are recorded on social media, text messages, emails, and photos. Individuals in the process of divorce increasingly want to use this type of documentation as proof of their claims. For example, an individual may be concerned that…
Read More »Bail in New Jersey Gets Major Overhaul
In 2014, the citizens of New Jersey voted to amend the State Constitution relating to criminal justice reform. The Criminal Justice Reform Act became effective on January 1, 2017. This change addresses bail reform and speed trial. Under the new law, if a defendant is charged on a complaint warrant and not a summons, the…
Read More »Defense Against a Temporary Restraining Order
As an experienced New Jersey domestic violence attorney, I regularly get asked about the defenses against a temporary restraining order. If you are accused of an act of domestic violence, you will receive what is called a temporary restraining order. That is a document signed by a judge that will bar you from physical contact…
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