Child support can be very expensive and a very significant financial obligation both during the pendency of the divorce and afterwards. When someone comes to me and asks me that question, what I usually do is pull out the rule book and together we sit down and we look at the child support guidelines.
These guidelines are fairly comprehensive and it covers family with net income up to $3,600. Together, we sit down and we go through the various factors that go into the calculation of what, under those guidelines, that client is going to have to pay. Now I don’t do this all myself, I don’t do it with a pencil and pad. Most matrimonial attorneys will have a very sophisticated software package that helps them through this process because there are many, many variables that go into the calculation of child support and where you, as an individual, are going to fit within those child support guidelines.
Do you have questions about child support obligations? If so, contact the family law attorneys of Williams Law Group, LLC.