Family Law & Divorce Lawyers | Short Hills & Parsippany, NJ


Documents to Gather Before Divorce

Divorce is a watershed moment for most people, and all events in life can be measured by what comes before and what comes after.  Accordingly, the decision to move forward with that divorce is emotionally nuanced and involved.  There are many ways you can prepare for a divorce, such as seeking support from your family…

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What Is Default Divorce?

We live in a society that is increasingly mobile. it is no longer uncommon for people to move hundreds or even thousands of miles away from where they were born and raised. Social media, smart phones, and the internet make it easier than in years past to keep in touch with friends and family across…

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Domestic Violence and B.L.F. v. T.G.C.

Domestic violence, unfortunately, impacts millions of people every day.  In the United States, one in three women and one in four men have experienced domestic violence.  Although most people think of domestic violence in terms of physical violence, it can also include emotional abuse or financial abuse.  There are several options for help for victims…

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