Family Law & Divorce Lawyers | Short Hills & Parsippany, NJ

DeMystifying the Children in Court (CIC) Docket

On Wednesday, April 10, 2013, NewJerseyDYFSdefense founder, Allison C. Williams, Esq., will be presenting on a panel discussing defense of parents in child welfare (i.e., DYFS/DCPP) matters. The educational program for judges and attorneys will be presented to the Union County Bar Association (UCBA) immediately preceding the Mccloud Awards Dinner. Some of the topics will include:

  • Should parents voluntarily speak to the Division of Child Protection and Permanency (DCPP) regarding allegations of child abuse;
  • How to gain access to DCPP records when no complaint has been filed by the agency;
  • How to litigate a custody case and a DCPP case at the same time;
  • How to secure the best parenting time arrangement during a DCPP case while a criminal investigation is ongoing and/or a criminal charge has been filed;
  • When to consult DCPP counsel during a matrimonial case, when to refer it out and when to handle it behind the scenes;
  • How to gain a strategic advantage over the agency while “call operating” with an investigation; and
  • Much, much more!

The panel will include Superior Court Judge Camille Kenny, Deputy Attorney General Christian Arnold and law guardian in Patricia Vogler. The event will take place at LaFaire restaurant in Mountainside, New Jersey, starting at 4:30 PM.

This event further confirms that Ms. Williams is the foremost authority on parental defense in child welfare cases in the State of New Jersey.

If you or someone you know is involved with the Division of Child Protection and Permanency (formerly DYFS), and you may need assistance, please contact us at The Williams Law Group, LLC.

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