We represent clients facing criminal conspiracy charges throughout the state of New Jersey. Our attorneys focus their practice in Northern and Central New Jersey. If you have been indicted on conspiracy charges in NJ, call our office to schedule a free initial consultation. Our seasoned attorneys served as former prosecutors and their experiences working for…
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Civil Asset Forfeiture in New Jersey
The Police Have Seized my Property, What Do I Have to Do to Get it Back? If the police have seized your property during an arrest or in the course of their investigation, you can fight to get your property back. Civil asset forfeiture provides the basis for the state to seize any piece of property…
Read More »Bail in New Jersey Gets Major Overhaul
In 2014, the citizens of New Jersey voted to amend the State Constitution relating to criminal justice reform. The Criminal Justice Reform Act became effective on January 1, 2017. This change addresses bail reform and speed trial. Under the new law, if a defendant is charged on a complaint warrant and not a summons, the…
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