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The Rights of Foster Parents in New Jersey

If a child cannot live with his parents, he is typically transferred into a foster care home, where foster parents will care and provide for him. Foster care is a temporary living situation, which means foster parents will not responsible for providing for the child forever. But, foster parents do have certain rights while a child is in their care. Here’s what you need to know about the rights of foster parents in New Jersey:

Financial Assistance

Taking care of a child is not cheap. For this reason, the state of New Jersey offers financial assistance to foster families. Foster parents receive monthly payments from the state while a child is in their home. The state also provides health insurance coverage and a clothing allowance for the foster child. Some foster parents are eligible for additional benefits that cover the cost of child care services, safety gear, and special activities.

The Right to Continue Working

Foster parents are not expected to give up their careers in order to temporarily care for a child. Every foster parent has the right to work outside of the home when a child is in their care.

Facilitate Visitations

Foster parents play an important role in helping children maintain some sort of relationship with their birth parents while in foster care. It is up to the foster parents to work with social workers, the court, and the child’s birth parents to arrange visitations. Foster parents may need to arrange visitations between the child and his siblings as well.

Involvement in Court Proceedings

Foster parents also have the right to participate in court hearings related to the child’s case. But, they are not allowed to stay in the courtroom for the entire hearing. They can, however, attend the hearing and speak to the judge about the child’s case. This gives them an opportunity to update the judge on the progress of the child’s case or to discuss their concerns regarding the child’s relationship with his birth or adoptive parents.

Adoption of the Foster Child

As previously mentioned, foster care is a temporary living arrangement. Children that cannot be reunited with their birth parents will stay in foster care until they are adopted. If this happens, the foster parents have the right to adopt the child if they want to and if the court approves. However, if the child can return to his birth parents, the foster parents cannot interfere with the reunification or attempt to adopt the child.

Has your child been placed in foster care? If so, contact Williams Law Group, LLC at once. Our skilled attorneys will work tirelessly to reunite you with your children as soon as possible. Call our office at (908) 810-1083, email us at, or contact us through our confidential online form to schedule a consultation.

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