When life gets stressful, most of us tuck into a defense crouch: we tend to abandon or curtail routines, habits and behaviors that normally nurture us.
For instance, maybe you typically eat a healthy, low sugar “real foods” diet; however, since the allegations, you’ve been binge eating Cheetos and Little Debbie snack cakes and watching way too much TV. It’s tempting, given what you’re facing, to wait until you’ve achieved clarity or resolved your case to attend to your wellbeing. However, this delaying can backfire. In an apocryphal story, a Zen Master reveals that the key to enlightenment is simply: “When hungry, eat. When tired, sleep.”
Consider that wisdom. Let’s say you’ve cut down on sleep to burn the midnight oil at work, take care of your children and work on your case. All these projects might seem “essential,” but the lack of sleep could make you more susceptible to getting sick. It could damage your judgment and make you sluggish, angry, irritable and depressed.
Get enough rest! Avoid sugary processed carbohydrates and junk food, and eat enough vegetables, healthy fats and proteins. Spend quality time outside. Make time to be around friends and associates who support you and who bring out your best self, and engage in healing practices, like meditation, prayer, journaling and self reflection.
Here’s another good reason to take care of yourself; DCPP and the court will consider your behavior and lifestyle when contemplating your case. If the false accusations turn you into an unproductive, depressed mess, your case will suffer.
Dealing with Judgments from Others and Getting Proper Support
The subject of child abuse and neglect inspires lots of passion and judgment.
Rightly or wrongly, society treats people accused of sexual assault against children with strong contempt, bordering on hatred. Even if you stand accused of something less polarizing — such as charges that you hit your child at the park or fed your child Fruit Loops for three meals a day — you might find yourself isolated not just from your children but also from people whom you thought would support you, no matter what.
For instance, your parents or siblings might withdraw support or even actively assist the case against you. Colleagues, friends and coworkers may likewise betray you or refuse to listen to your story. This can be a very painful and socially isolating time.
Respond with as much self-compassion and empathy as you can muster. You know, in your heart of hearts, that you committed no wrongdoing, but others might not see your point of view (yet), or they may just be shy and/or confused about how to handle the situation.
For skillful, experienced assistance battling back against untrue allegations of child abuse or neglect, call the Williams Law Group, LLC immediately at (908) 810-1083.