Family Law & Divorce Lawyers | Short Hills & Parsippany, NJ

Keep the Home Environment Stable

Children are far more resilient than many parents realize. For instance, children caught in a divorce can experience temporary setbacks at school, loss of motivation, depression and anxiety. However, these symptoms generally go away on their own, and most children of divorce rebound afterwards to exhibit similar levels of motivation, happiness and responsibility to those of their peers from intact families.

Research conducted by Johns Hopkins University Professor, Andrew Cherlin, suggests that the stability (or lack thereof) of the home environment after divorce can play a powerful role in terms of influencing children after divorce.

In his book, The Marriage-Go-Round, Cherlin builds a case that children who live in homes in which a newly divorce parent is constantly dating or re-partnering can be traumatized, because of the fundamental instability in the home.

The child sees a string of male (or female) authority figures entering and leaving the house; this chaos creates confusion and vulnerability. Perhaps a better solution – a counterintuitive one – is to wait before dating or re-partnering and to take new relationships slowly. In other words, rather than re-partnering quickly to provide a “two-parent like” environment for the child, it might be better to stay single and keep the home stabilized.

For skillful, experienced assistance handling your Parental Alienation case, call the Williams Law Group, LLC immediately at (908) 810-1083.

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