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Can I sue DYFS?

New Jersey DYFS

Find Out How You Can Fight DYFS: Call (908) 810-1083

Parents often wonder if they can file a lawsuit against the Department of Child Protection and Permanency (DCPP), formerly known as DYFS. If you feel you have been threatened with losing your children or have already suffered this type of injustice, contact a New Jersey DYFS attorney immediately. Once you have a legal professional in your corner, the quicker the DYFS proceedings will stop and you can get your children back from DYFS. A simple Google search will locate many websites devoted to the goal of “suing DYFS”, but:

  • Does this really happen?
  • How often?
  • Who prevails when battling New Jersey over its flawed child protection agency?


You need legal advice and representation immediately. Don’t hesitate to contact The Williams Law Group today. Only in very limited circumstances can a parent sue DYFS for it’s often ill-conceived interference in family life. In fact, DYFS caseworkers are often given immunity. Only when conduct is performed outside the scope of their broad job duties may an employee be subject to penalties. Our firm excels at discrediting DYFS findings and investigations and we can help with your DYFS case.


The Williams Law Group:

  • Prevents unvetted findings from entering into the determination factor
  • Gives our clients access to DCPP records in order to use, digest and discredit agency investigative findings
  •  Guides you through all legal proceedings

We do not want you handicapped in protecting your children and we help ensure you are not.


Regrettably, much bad behavior is tolerable when acting under the guise of “child protection”. Perhaps this is because our society feels a moral imperative – But:

  • Does state interference truly prevent and/or remediate harm to children?
  • Or is it more often the case that state involvement causes more harm than good?


Below are six Google reviews of DYFS from a collection of DYFS offices. Out of approximately 30 randomly selected Google reviews, the average star rating was 1.6 out of 5 stars. The highest rating DYFS received was for their office in Paterson, NJ which received a 5 star rating. Contrary to this, the lowest rating DYFS received was for their office in Toms River, NJ which received only 1 star.

The question that comes to mind is why this disparity exists. Is it:

  • The staff
  • The inefficiency of DYFS
  • Customer service
  • Some other reason altogether

Please see below for the reviews posted by Google:

Jerry Yashinsky – 8 months ago
The absolute worst agency I have ever dealt with. They lie worse than a rug. The manipulate you and stab you right in the back.

apple somoza – 10 months ago
we need services like DYFS to protect our children.

Matthew Amato – 9 months ago
They care less about the well being of children then the people you called them to report.

Chris M – a year ago
Not sure whats worse, DYFS or cancer.

Mary Suarez – 3 years ago
been through hell with these people, and my baby gurl was burnt so now there is an ivestigation i am sick of these peoplw


This page provides support for anyone who has been or is currently involved with DYFS.

If you have had a previous encounter with DYFS we invite you to post about it. Likewise, if you are currently dealing with DYFS or if you have a question we invite you to post.

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